Rayne Research Group
Additive Manufacturing and Metamaterials

We have regular openings for undergrad, graduate students, postdoc and visiting scientists. Interested parties are welcome to inquire Dr. Zheng with your CV/resume via email, and submit a brief informal application via here. For graduate school applicants, be sure to follow department and college of engineering application guideline and submit it before the deadline.
We are a group of mad scientists and engineers who enjoy a highly collaborative research environment without disciplinary boundaries. Our research sits at the interface between machine, materials and mechanics. We welcome applicants from all disciplines. Typically, if you have one of the following experience and expertise you will naturally feel at home and enjoy a highly collaborative environment .
1) Maker: you are into applying machine design, mechatronics, and robotics into additive manufacturing. Most of our lab members take 3D printing as their hobby way before joining our group. You will investigate and implement novel 3D printing concepts and ideas to investigate the next generation of processes that are faster, more scalable and reliable to print materials from structures to electronics and robots.
2) Material: process the un-processable. You are interested in synthesizing and printing a variety of materials that are not yet ever printable by existing commercially available techniques. You are interested in solving societal problems by developing printable materials ranging from energy, to defense and health care.
3) Lattice design: You are crazy about the physics and mechanics of 3D lattices/metamaterials and design of novel micro-architectures. You have a solid grasp of mechanics. You will apply new artificial intelligence and design design tool to design new topologies.

